Fluid Fertiliser Technology
This site summarises results and knowledge from more than 10 years of research into the use of soil-applied fluid fertilisers, conducted between 1999 and 2010.
About Us
The Fertiliser Technology Research Centre (FTRC) is at the forefront of novel research that is improving the quality and efficiency of fertilisers.
Our scientists are international experts in soil chemistry, fertiliser technology and plant nutrition.
FTRC is based within the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at Waite campus – which is home to the largest concentration of agricultural research and teaching expertise in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Fluid Fertiliser Manual
The Fluid Fertiliser Manual summarises ten years of fluid fertiliser research and agronomic experience available.
This manual provides a comprehensive description of fluid fertilisers, application technologies, agronomic trial results and includes a simple Economic calculator for growers to compare costs and responses of fertiliser types and allows an economic analysis of conversion costs to be calculated for any size property.
Tools & Evaluation
Evaluation Trials
Researchers need to consider many factors to ensure that the results of trials are valid. Trials need to be well designed and executed to ensure that: appropriate comparisons are made, variation due to external factors is minimised, and that the results can be interpreted in a meaningful way.
Trial Results Analysis
Variation needs to be factored into the analysis of any trial data to determine whether the differences in treatment means are really significant, as a result of the treatment/s, or just anomalies that can be expected as a result of normal variation.

The Fluid Economics Calculator
Assess the potential economics of fluid fertiliser use using various assumptions regarding yield responses and input costs.